The Chit-Key products use a very simple but clever technique for storing and ensuring the safe return of keys. Locks are paired up to operate in tandem. Turn a key in one lock to remove a second keyfrom another lock. Two standard chit-key vaults are offered but can have basic design costomized to accommodate as many key positions as needed. The vaults are made of 18-guage brushed stainless steel and use 3/4 inch cam locks. The user key opens the door to the chit-key vault. Inside are two locking positions. Take the key used to open the door, insert it into the empty lock and turn it. The turning action locks the user key in place and releases the control key at the same time. Remove the control key and use it to lock the door to the vault. The user key is now locked inside the vault until the process is repated to replace the control key.